5.11 tactical in Carle Place

Vereinigte Staaten5.11 tactical



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233, Glen Cove Road, 11514, Carle Place, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-747-0217
webseite: www.511tactical.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7488662, Longitude: -73.616919

kommentare 5

  • en

    David Singer


    The store is a little pricey everything there is high-end top quality if 511 tactical has the products that you're interested in this is the go to store I have been in there many times and I've only purchased one or two items though the items with terrific you do pay a premium for that label I don't necessarily know if you can get the same type of quality from other products for instance I'm interested in the pair of tactical boots normally I've paid $180 for the same quality now their boots which were a little more comfortable with over $200 I will make a decision whether to go back to the store and purchase these boots within the next 48 hours I am leaning towards buying them they seem to be worth the extra money also the service in the store was incredible when I was deciding the store manager did come out and offering me 20% off the boots not that that's going to sway me to purchase the product but it was very nice of her and I may become a lifetime customer

  • Christine Seo

    Christine Seo


    I hatr this place. Would like to leave a five star review, but I can’t. Let me give everyone advice, find a better store

  • en

    Steven Toth


    Really good to be able to feel their clothing and inspect their bags, in person. No annoying sales staff hassling you. Freedom to browse. Good clean store, great products. The TQs are very competitively priced.

  • Salvador Bobadilla

    Salvador Bobadilla


    Happy to have a 5.11 store near my home. This store has everything I need for my special protection details, and more. Clothes are top quality and very stylish. Customer associate are always welcoming and friendly. A must visit store for any law enforcement and security personnel. The pic shows me with 5.11 defender relax jeans.

  • en

    Nicholas Dramoudanis


    Where do I start.... I ordered two bags costing over $500. When they finally got the bags in I received a call and headed into the store. Was waiting for a check to come so I could buy both bags come to find out that they sold one of the bags without me knowing never notified me that they sold it. They also were talking about me and my girlfriend who told me not to buy the bags. Later on in the week my girlfriend went into the store to buy the bags and the person helping her was telling her that they brought the bags in for someone and the person didn’t buy the bags because his girlfriend didn’t let him have them..... by realizing it was my girlfriend continued to make fun of me. The funny was that they didn’t recognize that it was her. Even funnier when she told them that it was her. Never buying anything from here again would definitely not recommend the store at all. Definitely says a lot of this brand..... great people they hire

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