44/55 Autoworks Inc. w Highland

Stany Zjednoczone44/55 Autoworks Inc.



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584 RT 44/55, Highland, NY 12528, США
kontakt telefon: +1 845-691-8351
strona internetowej: 4455autoworks.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.6929125, Longitude: -74.0131049

komentarze 5

  • Jacob Hefele

    Jacob Hefele


    This business is incredible. I ran into some trouble with my car today and had it towed to them. They not only fixed the problem, and two other things I wanted to get done, but also gave me a ride home when I dropped it off, took care of it in just a few hours, and gave me a ride to come pick it up. These guys are professional, efficient, friendly, trustworthy people who do good work. I recommend them to anyone having some issues with their vehicle in a heartbeat. Were I to look again for people to take care of my car, they’d be my first call.

  • Donna Loverso

    Donna Loverso


    From the moment I walked in I knew I was in the right place! Excellent service, very friendly workers and owners! Had an appointment today but couldn't make it due to a flat tire.... Called to reschedule but headed there anyway for them to fix the flat. Not only did they fix it but still serviced my car anyway. That's very accommodating! I'm so happy to support a local business I could be proud to recommend!!

  • Danni Baker

    Danni Baker


    This is my husbands and my new go to shop. They are more than fairly priced, fast/efficient and went above and beyond. Matt even called to get my radio code to reset it, and set the time as well after he was done repairing my engine. Two thumbs up and five stars!

  • Dania Esposito

    Dania Esposito


    Not only were they very helpful but they took me on time and took care of all my needs I had a great experience definitely will go back

  • Richard S

    Richard S


    If your looking for honest mechanics, who fix a problem the first time, and do it in a timely manner, go see Chris and Matt. You won't be disappointed. I was looking for a new local mechanic since my cousin got out of the business. I tried a few local places and two dealerships over many years before trying 44 55 Auto. These places always over-promised on completion times, only to under deliver on those promises, and charge an arm and a leg. I gave 44 55 a shot at earning my business after I passed there place on my way to Poughkeepsie one day. They have exceeded my expectations ever since. Im only writing this review in hopes others will give them a shot too. They deserve it. -Rich

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