2 50 Cleaners w New City

Stany Zjednoczone2 50 Cleaners



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16, North Main Street, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-638-0346
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1478621, Longitude: -73.989228

komentarze 5

  • en

    Maria Gaston-DeSimone


    Rude employees and manager. Never a hello goodbye or thank you. I’m going elsewhere.

  • Ms. F.H.

    Ms. F.H.


  • Mathew Varghese

    Mathew Varghese


    I have been going to them for many years...Manager yelled at me because i asked why they laundered my shirts vs dry cleaning. Terrible customer service...and they lost a customer for good.

  • en

    Bari Dahan


    I bring my white shirts in at least twice a week. Every time, the Asian woman has a problem. One time she yelled at me for bleaching the shirts before bringing them in. Today's straw broke the camels back. They called me to tell me there was a rip in the pants. They wanted to know if they should clean them. I told them I know about the rip to please clean them. They were supposed to be ready today after 5. On my way home from work I stopped by to drop off about 28 white shirts for them to clean. She brings me the pants which weren't clean and she started yelling at me that if I had spoken to her before 10 the pants would be clean. I said I wish I knew that because I need these pants for the weekend. I am going away and I won't be able to pick them up tomorrow. I could have had somebody pick them up and brought them somewhere else. She continued screaming at me saying, "What should I do." She then pushed away my 28 white shirts and said she's not cleaning them. That I should leave!

  • en

    Zoya Stal


    pretty poor, when the place opened up several years ago under a different manager things were pretty good, since he left its different cleaning side is abt same but customer service politeness slipped down alteration skills poor

najbliższy Pralnia

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