1701 Bespoke w Detroit

Stany Zjednoczone1701 Bespoke



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4160 Woodward Ave., 3rd Floor, Detroit, MI 48201, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 313-444-3680
strona internetowej: www.1701bespoke.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3516172, Longitude: -83.0603496

komentarze 5

  • 周欣



    Absolutely hate the attitude of Max, the founder. Cannot be more angry. Paying more than 3600 for a tux, people would expect a much better service than this. We went to the fitting and it was very apparent that the shirt was too small, but he kept saying that the shirt fits perfectly, trying to convince us to accept it as it is. The collar of the jacket is not as what we ordered, and we asked whether we could change it. He just said "no" without a convincing explanation, even after we said this is not what we agreed on. He didn't even go check the order information. I would think for all businesses you should receive what you ordered/paid for, right? During the whole fitting, he didn't provide any useful information except saying "it fits perfectly" or "it fits great" to everything that was obviously not perfect or great, trying to make us accept everything as it is. If you just expect us to accept everything, then why the fittings? If we cannot get what we agreed upon, why is this a bespoke service? I am not sure whether it is because he is unprofessional or just trying to fool us to get a business done quickly. Anyway, not coming back again, forever.

  • en

    Jeremiah Reed


    The guys at 1701 Bespoke were all knowledgeable, friendly, and great to work with. They made me a fantastic suit for my wedding, and I have never gotten so many compliments about my attire. This is the place to go in Metro-Detroit if you want a fully customized and personally tailored suit!

  • Ron Markovitch

    Ron Markovitch


    Great experience. Great Staff. Great material.

  • Brandon Van Heyde

    Brandon Van Heyde


    I’ve purchased two blazers from 1701 Bespoke and couldn’t be more pleased with their creations. However, it isn’t just Max and Tom’s (the owners) keen sense for upscale fashion and ability to tailor an impeccable garment that makes 1701 best in class, but rather the shopping ambience that they create – every interaction reveals a meticulous attention to detail and genuine desire to build long-standing relationships with their clients. Before my first foray with 1701, I was a novice in the realm of debonair fashion and tailoring. After two rounds of shopping (or more specifically in this case, fashion consulting) and subsequent blazer fittings, I’ve picked up on a myriad of fashion tips and built a layman’s understanding key components of a suit; Max and Tom provide not only quality products but also an education. Their products are worth every cent (and then some). I look forward to making a return visit for a chic summer suit.

  • Peter Wilton

    Peter Wilton


    My experience -- Went to Max and Tom for a suit for my wedding. Their fabrics were beautiful and the service was outstanding. My brother and I purchased grey suits and were able to customize every detail (fabric color/quality, lining, hand-stitching, monograms, button type and number, pocket shape, etc.) We loved our suits and ordered two more in linen. I was looking for a well-fitting suit, as I am tall and slim with long arms. They were great about re-fitting and tailoring the suit until it fit perfectly. I've recommended them to many of my friends, and will continue to do so!

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