151 Coffee i Северная Ричленд Хиллз

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Северная Ричленд Хиллз, Техас 76180, США
kontakter telefon: +1
internet side: www.151coffee.com
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Latitude: 32.8580797, Longitude: -97.2377777

kommentar 5

  • Morgan Juniper

    Morgan Juniper


    I love this place! My favorite coffee since I left Washington. Never was a Starbucks fan, so here in TX I've been deprived. Now I'm overjoyed. They have great quality beans, never once bothered my belly, they stay overstaffed to keep up the flow, music playing all the time, never left waiting and the guy that seems to be the manager is awesome! He makes my day sometimes. So basically, I would recommend anyone to go at least once, you might be hooked.

  • Angel Bertrand

    Angel Bertrand


    Best coffee in town. Haven't found something I don't like and I'm picky about coffee. Little pricey, but if you are used to Starbucks prices, then this will not shock you. Staff is super friendly, real upbeat, love seeing them.

  • Brooke Lage

    Brooke Lage


    The staff is so welcoming and friendly. I’ve been going to Starbucks for as long as I can remember until this place opened. Not only do they give you more coffee, but it tastes better, and it’s cheaper! Haven’t gone to Starbucks in months now and will continue to come here for my daily coffee!

  • Amanda Marie

    Amanda Marie


    LOVE this place. When they first opened up they allowed us to get free drinks to try and help train their staff. Their prices are real good and they can make pretty much anything. We are addicted for sure. I don't drink coffee or anything carbonated or caffeinated and they still have a very large selection of drinks I can have. Very friendly staff. They also remember you, well they remember me but I go all the time

  • en

    Farrah P


    Was so excited to try this place! Great variety on the menu so far and they have more items coming! The staff were friendly and I can wait to go back tomorrow! This is definitely my new weekend treat spot! If it weren't in the opposite direction of work I'd likely stop in here most mornings.

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