12 Volt Doctor en New York

Estados Unidos12 Volt Doctor



🕗 horarios

2917, Arthur Kill Road, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-339-0099
sitio web: www.12voltdoctor.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.547429, Longitude: -74.228996

comentarios 5

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    12 Volt are Super Pros Will trust my car's life with Oleg. Was informed by a big body shop on the Island that he is the best there is for anything mechanical, electrical, you name it, as I needed extensive suspension work on my Audi, so hoping he wasn't too expensive, I went. For a great price (trust me) I now have a new-feeling car and a place to go with any problem. And he won't sell you what you don't need. Great friendly staff, super work and honesty. Priceless.

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    Denis Kolenovic


    I have been using 12volt doctor for ten years. They are the best at solving any problem when it comes to your car. They are welcoming, honest, cost efficient and the best. I recommend to all

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    Diane Buser


    I have used the 12 Volt Doctor when my son totaled his car, the service from the mechanics and the staff was second to none. Since then they have been my only mechanic for all my cars needs. No job is to big or to small. The owner took the time to meet with me and explain everything to me in my terms. Friendly, trustworthy and knowledgeable, very hard to find all of that in one!! Thank you 12 Volt Doctor!!!

  • Sophia Percaccio

    Sophia Percaccio


    I have been using 12 volt doctor for the past few years and I'm always impressed by their knowledge and skills. They have fixed numerous cars of mine that other places couldn't. Respectful and courteous. Highly recommend them.

  • Joseph McNicholas

    Joseph McNicholas


    Great people!....If you need your vehicle diagnosed properly and fixed the first time, This is the place to go. From everyday daily drivers to exotic cars they know how to repair them all. When you go there you can see the boxes for the parts from the original manufacturer (no Chinese junk here).

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